Detail from the Initial Consultation Letter:
(Norcanna, Daniel Rossi/Mathews Parkway Development LLC/Sheehan Van Woert Bigotti Architects): A Commercial Cannabis Use Permit for a Distribution operation and Non-storefront Retail (Delivery Only). Distribution means the procurement, sale, and transport of cannabis and cannabis products between licensed cannabis businesses, but not the direct sale or transport to the general public.
Delivery means the commercial transfer of cannabis or cannabis products to a customer and includes the use by a retailer of any technology platform. Retail sale, sell, and to sell means any transaction whereby, for any consideration, title to cannabis or cannabis products is transferred from one person to another, and includes the delivery of cannabis or cannabis products pursuant to an order placed for the purchase of the same and soliciting or receiving an order for the same, but does not include the return of cannabis or cannabis products by a cannabis permittee to the cannabis permittee from whom the cannabis or
cannabis product was purchased.
The business would consist of a secured warehouse for storage and vehicles to distribute cannabis products from licensed cultivators and manufacturers to licensed retailers. The business would occupy a 2,060 square foot suite within an existing 11,056 commercial building within the El Dorado Hills Business Park. There will be a maximum of 19 employees. Through the delivery arm the applicant expects to have 10-15 drivers scheduled per day and each driver to take a route of packages about 4 times per day, or one route every 1.5-2 hours. Each driver will use their personally owned vehicle (POV) or one of the company’s four fleet vehicles. The applicant expects about 100 deliveries per day.
Cannabis may only be transported within the unincorporated areas of the County inside a commercial vehicle or trailer with sufficient security features and GPS tracking. Cannabis or cannabis signage or symbols may not be visible or identifiable from outside of the commercial vehicle or trailer. State law allows cannabis deliveries to adjacent cities and counties that do not have commercial cannabis retailers. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 117-071-007, is located on the west side of Robert J Mathews Parkway, approximately 0.6 mile north of the intersection with Latrobe Road and Investment Boulevard, in the El Dorado Hills area.
Initial Consultation Letter
Application Packet (Compressed File Size for online reader)
Uncompressed Application Packet PDF File here