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Cameron Park Design Review Committee June 27 2022 Agenda

EDH APAC seeks to support other El Dorado County Volunteer Advisory Committees, so we’re sharing the details for the June 27, 2022 Cameron Park Design Review Committee Meeting

330 Fair Lane Building A, Placerville CA 95667

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: The Committee meeting room will be open to the public. The meeting will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom.
Members of the public may address the Committee in-person or via Zoom to make a public comment. The public should call into 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The Meeting ID is 964 2514 9671. Please note you will not be able to join the live-stream until the posted meeting start time.
To observe the live stream of the Committee meeting go to
If you are joining the meeting via zoom and wish to make a comment on an item, press the “raise a hand” button. If you are joining the meeting by phone, press *9 to indicate a desire to make a comment. Public testimony will be received on each agenda item as it is called. Individual comments are limited to 3 minutes, and individuals speaking for a group are allocated 5 minutes. Matters not on the agenda may be addressed by the general public during the Open Forum. Public comments during Open Forum are limited to 3 minutes per person.
The Committee reserves the right to waive said rules by a majority vote. Adopted (09/14/2009).
By participating in this meeting, you acknowledge that you are being recorded.

Legistar Calendar File

22-041331.Agenda ItemCameron Park Design Review Committee recommending as a result of ongoing concerns related to COVID-19, approve the following finding pursuant to Government Code subsection 54953(e)(3) in order to allow for the continued use of virtual or hybrid Cameron Park Design Review Committee meetings as authorized under Assembly Bill 361: Pursuant to Government Code subsections 54953(e)(3)(A) and (e)(3)(B)(ii), the Cameron Park Design Review Committee has reconsidered the circumstances of the Governor’s proclaimed state of emergency resulting from COVID-19 and finds that the El Dorado County Public Health Officer continues to recommend measures to promote social distancing, as documented in the September 30, 2021 “Public Health Officer’s Recommendations for Safe Board and Commission Meetings During COVID-19 Pandemic”.
22-115114.Agenda ItemCUP22-0001 Quick Quack Car Wash (Doug Livingston, Quick Quack Car Wash): An application for Conditional/Minor Use Permit. Design Review Committee to review attached sign plans as related to item 22-0950 from the 5/23/2022 agenda and complete the comment sheet to submit to the Planning Department.
22-113915.Agenda ItemDR22-0001 – Dutch Bros Coffee House and Drive-Thru (Cole Valley Partners, Braden Bernards/Trumpp Walter C TR/TSD Engineering, Inc., Chris Schulze): A Design Review Permit request for a 950 square feet Dutch Bros Coffee House, a Drive-Through, and landscaping on approximately 0.87-acre project site within the Community Commercial Design Control (CC-DC) zone. This site has an existing vacant restaurant, parking, and landscaping that will be demolished. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 109-212-005, consists of 0.87 acre, and is located on the east side of Cameron Park Drive, approximately 525 feet south of the intersection with Coach Lane, in the Cameron Park area.
22-113915.Agenda ItemDR22-0001 – Dutch Bros Coffee House and Drive-Thru (Cole Valley Partners, Braden Bernards/Trumpp Walter C TR/TSD Engineering, Inc., Chris Schulze): A Design Review Permit request for a 950 square feet Dutch Bros Coffee House, a Drive-Through, and landscaping on approximately 0.87-acre project site within the Community Commercial Design Control (CC-DC) zone. This site has an existing vacant restaurant, parking, and landscaping that will be demolished. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 109-212-005, consists of 0.87 acre, and is located on the east side of Cameron Park Drive, approximately 525 feet south of the intersection with Coach Lane, in the Cameron Park area.
22-115516.Agenda ItemZ21-0012, PD21-0003, TM21-0001 – Greenwood Estates (Cameron Glen Estates, LLC, Joe Jaoudi/Lebeck Engineering, Inc.): A Rezone, Planned Development and Tentative Subdivision Map Permit request for the creation of 10 multifamily residential parcels, adding the -PD overlay, and proposing 10 new attached multifamily residential town homes. The property, identified by Assessor’s Parcel Number 082-411-004, consists of 0.88 acre, and is located on the west side of Greenwood Lane, approximately 300 feet south of the intersection with Meadow Lane, in the Cameron Park area.
22-117017.Agenda ItemUpdate about Cameron Park Design Review Committee future meeting location in the community, and an update about audio and video equipment the County has purchased for hybrid format meetings.

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