3-1501 | 1 | 35. | Agenda Item | County Counsel and the Planning and Building Department, Commercial Cannabis Division, recommending the Board: 1) Provide direction on changes to the County’s existing cannabis ordinances; and 2) If changes are supported, direct staff to return to the Board with a Resolution of Intent reflecting the Board’s guidance to start the ordinance amendment process. FUNDING: General Fund.
Public Comment: M. Ranalli, K. McCarty, P. Barrier, K. Cicchino, J. Earls, L. Cauchon, D. Harde, C. Lewis, M. Parrett, T. Clark, B. McAdam, J. Kipperman, P. Huntsinger, A. Aubrey, K. Greenwood, M. Compton, R. Miller, E. Lewicki, R. Michelson, l. Brent-Bumb, E. Jacobsen, A. Jones, Dwayne
A motion was made by Supervisor Hidahl, seconded by Supervisor Parlin to: 1) Direct staff to return with a Resolution of Intention on the following items: a) Incorporating the state definition of “owner” into the cannabis ordinance; b) Changing the tax structure from square footage to gross receipts for cultivation; c) Incorporating items 8(a) and (b) from the County Counsel staff report and item 8(c) from the Planning and Building staff report; and 2) Direct the following items be sent to the Planning Commission for further review and recommendation to the Board: a) Staff report item 1 (setbacks); b) Staff report item 2 (canopy size); c) Staff report item 3 (propagation and lighting changes); d) Staff report item 4 (allowance of nonvolatile manufacturing); e) Staff report item 7A (examination of cannabis tax rates); and f) Consideration of a multi year cannabis license |