PUBLIC PARTICIPATION INSTRUCTIONS: The Board of Supervisors meeting room will be open to the public. The meeting will continue to be live-streamed via Zoom and YouTube. Members of the public may address the Board in-person or via Zoom to make a public comment. The public should call into 530-621-7603 or 530-621-7610. The Meeting ID is 848 2858 1396. Please note you will be able to join the live-stream 15 minutes prior to the posted meeting start time. To observe the live stream of the Board of Supervisors meeting go to To observe the Board of Supervisors meetings via YouTube, click If you are joining the meeting via zoom and wish to make a comment on an item, press the “raise a hand” button. If you are joining the meeting by phone, press *9 to indicate a desire to make a comment. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes. By participating in this meeting, you acknowledge that you are being recorded.
Chief Administrative Office, on behalf of the Broadband Ad Hoc Committee, recommending the Board: 1) Rename the Broadband Ad Hoc Committee to the Broadband and Connectivity Ad Hoc Committee; and 2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign and submit a letter of opposition to the California Public Utility Commission regarding AT&T’s application for relief from its Carrier of Last Resort Obligation. FUNDING: N/A
Supervisor Parlin, as the appointee to the Rural County Representatives of California Environmental Services Joint Powers Authority, recommending the Board send a letter of support to Assembly Member Jim Wood for Assembly Bill 2902, regarding organic waste management. FUNDING: N/A
Department of Transportation recommending the Board consider the following: 1) Find in accordance with County Ordinance Code Chapter 3.13, Section 3.13.030(C), that due to limited time frames and the temporary or occasional nature of the work, there is a need to engage an independent contractor for on-call plan inspection services, on-call construction inspection services, and updates to the Countywide Standards Manual; 2) Award Request for Proposal (RFP) 23-961-044 Category 1 for On-call Plan Inspection Services to R.E.Y. Engineers, Inc. and SNG & Associates; 3) Award RFP 23-961-044 Category 2 for On-call Construction Inspection Services to Ghirardelli Associates, Inc.; 4) Award RFP 23-961-044 Category 3 for Updates to the Countywide Standards Manual to SNG & Associates; 5) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 8047 with R.E.Y. Engineering with a not-to-exceed amount of $250,000, for a three (3) year term effective upon final execution; 6) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 8049 with Ghirardelli & Associates
Supervisor Hidahl and Supervisor Turnboo recommending the Board direct Department of Transportation to: 1) Prepare an analysis that would identify the preferred route alignment for a new roadway to connect Latrobe Road to the Sacramento County Line south of the El Dorado Hills Business Park; 2) Prepare a programmatic-level environmental analysis for the proposed alignment; and 3) Return to the Board with a proposed amendment to the Transportation and Circulation Element of the General Plan which would add the new roadway to Figure TC-1 Circulation Map. (Districts I and II) FUNDING: Road Fund.