El Dorado County Board of Supervisors November 14, 2023 Meeting Minutes
Meeting in Video Recording Format
Of note to El Dorado Hills residents:
23-1902 | 1 | 14. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer adjusting the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for Fiscal Year 2023-24 to accommodate the new project budgets and increased 2023-24 expenses for the following previously approved projects in the 2023 CIP: 1) Authorize the use of an additional $355,156 in Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) Advance Exchange funds and $1,655,156 in Traffic Impact Fee (TIF) – Zone B funds for the construction phase of the Enterprise Drive and Industrial Drive Intersection Improvements Project, CIP 36105052/36105053; 2) Authorize and advance $2,085,888 in TIF – Zone C funds for the design, right of way, and construction phases of the Harvard Way and Clermont Way Intersection Improvements Project, CIP 36105080; 3) Authorize and advance $3,165,150 in TIF – Zone C funds for the design and right of way phases for the US 50 / Latrobe Road / El Dorado Hills Boulevard Interchange Improvements – Phase 2B Project, CIP 36104001; 4) Authorize and advance $10,396,678 in TIF – Highway 50 funds and a decrease of $250,000 in Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) Federal Funds for the planning, design, right of way, and construction phases for the US 50 / Ponderosa Road Interchange – Durock Road Realignment Project, CIP 36104008; and 5) Authorize an advance and decrease of $6,523,474 in TIF – Highway 50 funds and a decrease of $250,000 in RSTP Federal Funds for the planning, design, right of way, and construction phases for the US 50 / Ponderosa Road Interchange – North Shingle Road Realignment, CIP 36104009. (4/5 vote required) (Supervisorial Districts I, III, and IV) FUNDING: Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) Advance Exchange Funds, Traffic Impact Fees (TIF) – Zone B, TIF – Zone C, TIF – Highway 50, and Regional Surface Transportation Program (RSTP) Federal Funds – Caltrans Local Assistance. (Federal and Local Funds). This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. Supervisor Parlin recused herself from this matter. |
23-1908 | 1 | 15. | Agenda Item | Department of Transportation recommending the Board provide conceptual approval, pursuant to Board Policy A-3, to amend County Code Section 12.08, Road Encroachments, to increase the threshold at which a Road Improvement Agreement is required in lieu of an encroachment permit from $100,000 to $250,000; to provide additional clarity as to the security requirements under such agreements; and to delegate authority to the Director of Transportation to execute agreements and amendments on projects in the County right-of-way with costs of up to $1,000,000. FUNDING: Road Fund, Developer Funded. This matter was Approved on the Consent Calendar. |
23-1962 | 1 | 29. | Agenda Item | Planning and Building Department, Planning Division, Long Range Planning Unit, hosting a joint informational workshop for the Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission to solicit input and encourage public participation during the process of developing the Safety Element Update. FUNDING: General Fund (87%), El Dorado County Water Agency (13%). Public Comment: L. Colombo, S. Taylor, K. McCarty, L. Winters The Board of Supervisors and Planning Commission solicited input and encouraged public participation during the process of developing the Safety Element Update. |